Newsletter Archives All ListsThis List12...678910 vs002d Modern - Full - 2023-11-20 21:00:07 modern age technology The World’s Most Awesome Newsletter Sunday 12th November 2023 Rather original title, number uno Mauris pharetra convallis dui, quis ultricies nunc rutrum eget. Aliquam in nunc ac nisi ultricies placerat. Aenean faucibus velit sed diam blandit egestas. Maecenas ut fermentum risus. Sed pellentesque commodo risus, eu sagittis est iaculis ac. Cras a lacus elit, quis condimentum risus. Duis elit nunc, sollicitudin eget aliquam fermentum, fermentum eu risus. Nam ornare lectus sed arcu facilisis ac ultricies enim mattis. Nullam ac orci elit. Ut hendrerit aliquet libero, ut convallis dui lacinia eget. In commodo tristique neque suscipit accumsan. Integer orci nisi 2009 Apple is now #1 on 'Scale of Awesome' Quisque tempor sagittis felis ut aliquam. Quisque pretium purus vel libero tempus nec interdum ligula fringilla. Morbi congue nibh sed justo tincidunt tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ornare porta dui a feugiat. Ut aliquet dapibus mi eu sagittis. In commodo tristique neque suscipit accumsan. Integer orci nisi, gravida in rutrum at, convallis vitae ante. Nunc molestie est bibendum ipsum ultricies consectetur. You're receiving this newsletter because you bought widgets from us. Having trouble reading this? View it in your browser. Not interested? Unsubscribe instantly. All ListsThis List12...678910 Wedding Photography Equine & Pet Product Photos Latest Journal Posts Relocation Well apart from a few minor problems the transfer from the previous host has been relatively painless once I had unlocked the domain and obtained the EPP code . From the date I entered [...] The Author 31 October 2023 Cont.. phpList 2.10.19 Following an advisory from my hosting service the demonstration version 2.10.19 has now been retired from this site though the code enhancements (aka hacks) will remain available [...] The Author 4 May 2015 Cont.. phpList 3.0.9 The ink on the page is barely dry and those eager beavers at phpList have rolled out a new release in a little over a month. All the code enhancements have been loaded onto my sub-domain [...] The Author 19 October 2014 Cont..