Newsletter Archives with Pagination
This is an updated version of 1.0.5 which now includes pagination that allows visitors to select previous/next Newsletters whilst displaying the originally selected Newsletter. It is however not quite ready for release as there are additional pagination options to be implemented that require further testing and development.
A non working example of the pagination menu is shown below.
Templates - Master Collection 1
Or you might prefer
The first of the two "working example" links below will show you the current test version which will be available for realease quite soon and the second shows the archive once it has been embedded into the main web site .
17-03-2013 2.0.1 Initial Pagination
Pagination working for all Newsletters in a List (not a sub-list) and have tidied up code problems which have been filtered back to Newsletter Archive v1.
20-03-2013 2.0.3 Current at time of writing
Pagination is now working for the list of newsletters within a specific phpList List i.e. after selecting the List "Templates - Master Collection 5" the next page will show details of the first 10 Newsletters and additional tabs to jump to the following group of 10 and so on.
The PageLimit can be set to display as many newsletter details as you require on the page 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 30 . This assumes that the newsletter description follows the standard as implemented on this site.
If your description for the Newsletter List as used on your site runs to several paragraphs then this archive will probably not work for you without additional modification....
22-03-2013 2.0.3 Code Stripping and Functions
Just when you think you have it all sorted you take another look at the code and there is another piece that would be be better off with the functions. Because of this the HTML output generated by the page has to be adjusted to work correctly and made obvious to anyone that uses the Archive routines in their own version of phpList.
Also added some additional error handlers should anyone enter the messageid/listID into the address bar and moved the key user defined variables to the top of the page.
Not Available ยป
All photographs & images are the copyright of Alan G Fairhall and may not be reproduced or downloaded without express permission from the photographer.